The best place to get updates on The Island of Time, The Island Series and upcoming events and novels by Matthew DeBettencourt.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

T-minus 22 days and counting.

No, I am not counting down the days til 2010.

All right, maybe I technically am, but I'm really counting down to the end of the month.

6 of one half dozen of the other? No, not really. I'm counting down to the end of the month, the proposed launch time of the new TIoT website. (Yost told me by the end of the month, but after I see it, you can bet it'll be mid-January before I let other people see it) Official Release date to be determined.

~Matt (MD3B3TT)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Dot Com in the Making

I'm pretty excited. Right now I'm working with the Yost Design Group as we develop a website for The Island Series! There's no launch date for the site yet, but I will keep everyone posted.

When the site is finished, it will have a way to explore the world inside the Island of Time. You'll be able to browse Character profiles, learn the language of the Kahukah, and find out about upcoming novels and short stories with the Island Series' colorful cast of characters!

It will be a central location linking up my Facebook, MySpace, Blogger, and Tate pages.
And even a place to order books, T-Shirts (coming soon), and hopefully more!

So in the not-too-distant future, be on the look out for a brand new "Island of Time" Website!

~Matt (MD3B3TT)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Here it begins!

A new chapter is born in the Island Series: The Blogspot!

My name is Matthew DeBettencourt, author of the recently released "The Island of Time: The Journal of Randy Carr" the first installment to The Island Series.

For information about the book itself, you can find it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Tate Publishing. I have a Facebook Page, a MySpace Page and a Filedby Page, and I am a member of the STurbridge ARea Co-op (STAR).

You can read reviews at each of these sites, or a compilation of these reviews at my site.

The forthcoming blogger posts will contain thoughts, ideas, and otherwise normal blog topics regarding the Island Series. The Island of Time, which was released in February 2009, and it's follow-up novel, The Island of Legends Past will be released at a date yet to be determined.

~Matt (MD3B3TT)