The best place to get updates on The Island of Time, The Island Series and upcoming events and novels by Matthew DeBettencourt.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Island Series Lives!

It has indeed been a busy time in my world. I recently released a completely new website, which is located at the same address It has a new look, and some new information, new character pictures and more information on upcoming books.
I've also recently released The Island of Time for Kindle! Now you can get it on you Kindle or any device that offers Kindle reading apps, like a tablet, your android, iPhone, or iPod!
And along the way I did a once-over on the content of the Island of Time and sent a letter to my original publisher asking that they pull my first edition books from the shelves (That one book sitting in the Barnes & Noble warehouse, that is). I will be releasing my book in second edition with a brand new look (cover design done by yours truly). And that will be available soon!
I did all of this because of what's coming next. My latest project, which was completed today, is the long-awaited sequel to The Island of Time! That's right, after two painful weeks of skipping my gym habit (trust me, NOT easy!), I churned out the last 20,000 words or so needed to finish the first draft manuscript of The Island of Legends Past. I literally typed the last word less than an hour ago. I felt it was THAT important to tell someone! Unfortunately, as social media goes, it has already been spreading like crazy on Facebook and Twitter, even if you are the first to see this post.

So, stay tuned for more updates on the most anticipated Island Series Installment of the year!
Also, like The Island of Legends Past page on Facebook!

Yours Truly.